Monday 19 November 2018

Who Owns the Newspapers

Who Owns the Newspapers

popular tabloid
News International Newspapers Ltd
Daily Mirror
popular tabloid
Trinity Mirror*
The Daily Telegraph
quality broadsheet
Telegraph Group Ltd
The Times
quality compact
News International Newspapers Ltd
Daily Star
popular tabloid
Express Newspapers Ltd (Northern & Shell)
Daily Express
popular tabloid
Express Newspapers Ltd (Northern & Shell)
City AM
quality compact
City AM Ltd
(2005 launch)
The Financial Times**
quality broadsheet
Financial Times Ltd (Nikkei)
Independent (online only 2016)
quality compact
Independent Print Ltd
New Day
tabloid 'cheapsheet'
Trinity Mirror
2016 launch and closure
1.   In the Executive Summary, looking at paragraphs 4 and 5 the overview identifies that: ‘today’s aggregate advertising expenditure and net circulation figures equate to about half of their 2007 value.’ Bullet point why you think this is the case.
2.   On page 7, the market structure is analysed using data provided by the ABC. Who are the ABC and why is their data collection so important for newspaper owners and advertisers?
3.   On pages  17-18, paragraph 2.14 the overview identifies the circulation figures of Sunday newspapers. Thinking about your set products and audience consumption, why do you think Sunday newspapers have traditionally sold more copies that their daily counterparts?
4.   What are the leading broadsheet, tabloid and mid-market tabloids in terms of circulation? What are their daily circulation figures?
5.   Think about The Guardian and the Daily Mail - describe their position in the marketplace.
6.   The Guardian is ‘owned by the Scott Trust, a private company whose core purpose is ‘to ensure the financial and editorial independence of The Guardian.’ How can this be linked with the news values of the newspaper? Summarise the folllowing links:,5814,642387,00.html
7.   In terms of digital distribution, what do you think has been more important to the brand identity of national newspapers, the online website or App mobile platforms? Why/How?
8.   A lack of ‘trust’ in newspapers is identified. Why do you think this is?
9.   Who is the offline and online regulator of the newspaper industry and how effective do you think they are in ‘policing’ the industry? (this was one of your assessment questions!)
10.                Look at the following timeline. What’s happened to advertising revenues, why are they important? What other ways have the newspapers industries found to survive? Give examples

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