Friday 22 March 2019


Magazine: The big issue
Social, cultural, political context

The big issue is a niche magazine outside the commercial mainstream that learners may not normally engage with. It provides a contrasting example of how the elements of the theoretical framwork for media language can be used o construct alternative representations that appeal to particular audiences.
Learners must study 2 front covers of The Big Issue, from Sep 2018.
- alternative to the mainstream
- national significance


Key terms:
- Circulation - No. of copies a magazines sells
- Readership - not just who buys a magazines but the total number of people likely to read it
- Mass Audience - readership on a very large scale
- Niche Audience - narrow group of readers with a particular interest
- Subscription - where a reader pays for a set number of copies of a magazines in advance at a lower price and receives them by post


Key Terms:
- Masthead
- Plug
- Puff
- Cover Star
- Anchorage Text
- Banner
- Skyline

   Audience.           Advertiser

Advertising accounts for 70% of magazine income
Small circulation is more dependent on advertising

100,000 big issues sold per week
2000 big issue vendors in Britain
Vendors buys copies for £1.25
Made more than £5M
120 countries involved

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