Friday 18 January 2019

The Big Six

There are 6 companies in the Big Six: Disney, Sony, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Universal Studios and Paramount. This is soon to be the Big 5 after Disney 'eats up' 20th Century Fox. Disney is also made the most financial success due to them being a vertically integrated conglomerate, meaning they have the ownership of means of production, distribution and Exhibition of the film by the same company as they receive all of the profit.

The majority of films include the following genres: Action, Adventure, and a large percentage of Superhero, which are all blockbuster films. There are a few indie films within the list of 20, but the majority are blockbuster. From the list, there are 2 sequels: Hotel Transylvania and Star Wars.

The majority of the top 20 grossing films are rated PG 13 with an exception of a few which are rated either R or PG. All films are 3D.

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