Tuesday 10 September 2019

Summer Work


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tied the knot 2nd March 2018. In 2018 William and Catherine gave birth to their third child Louis and the Queen also celebrated her 90th birthday on April 21st 2018.

Terrorism and Hatred

Society was hit hard by terrorism and hatred with various attacks including:

Westminster Bridge
London Bridge
Borough Market
Finsbury Park Mosque
Manchester Arena Bombing 
Murder of minister Jo Cox
Not only were these such horrible events it also resulted in an uprising by people to help make world leaders take action in defence measures to prevent things happening anymore. It leads to more police on our streets and new rules and regulations on knives and an increase in punishments for terrorists.
Specific UK Issues

Brexit was obviously a major news factor and was terribly mismanaged by May and it lead to her losing a lot of her credibility and ultimately Boris Johnson taking over.

The Grenfell Tower was a major UK issue by the way the government left a lot of the victims without homes and not helping them and just trying to brush the problem under the carpet. This led to protests and also a whole scandal which found that a lot of high rise buildings were built exactly the same as Grenfell which means that they could easily catch fire.

The Windrush scandal is an issue that happened in 83 cases in which people were wrongly detained, denied entry into the UK, deported and even lost their British citizenship. It put massive pressure on the British home office and large sums of money were payed to victims.

Another massive UK issue was the growing pressure on the NHS and the fact wait times increased massively. Therefore, patients were left in the hallways and ambulances were delayed and a lot of people complained and there were strikes against the way the NHS was run. Doctors also began to strike because of poor pay which resulted in an increase in wait times.

The whole case which involved the Charlie Gard situation put a lot of pressure on the British

Football sex abuse was a major issue last year with the main criminal being Barry Bennell sexually abusing young boys when he was a football coach. This scandal found multiple cases involving numerous amounts of young boys not just involving Barry but across all forms of football.

In sport Andy Murray overcame an injury to his hip injury and fought his way back to win Wimbledon. However, at this current moment Andy Murray's injury did get the better of him and forced him to retire due to the lack of playing time he had due to the injury.

Also the Olympics in London saw massive success from Great Britain and also lots of new stars were discovered and was a very special Olympics that would go down in history.

Immigration that was in Calais getting into Dover through the Euro tunnel and other ports of entry. Therefore, due to wars immigrants are trying to move countries. Furthermore, countries are now clamping down and have more patrols across the channel.

Youth Aggression was a major issue with the whole give up a knife save a life campaign that helped reduce some of the attacks happening. However, there was a massive increase in youth crime with many incidents happening consistently all across London.

Trump also got elected and resulted in the METOO campaign which saw many women coming forward about sexual harassment from Trump and other big celebrities.


After Cameron resigned Theresa May, Andrea Leadsom, Michael Gove, Stephen Crabb and Liam Fox all ran for Prime Minister. When the results came in May was elected Prime Minister on 11th July 2016. After May's downfall and the horrible way she handled Brexit Boris Johnson was elected as Prime Minister.

The current leader of the Lib Dems is Jo Swinson and the general election led to the conservatives losing a various number of seats and Jeremy Corbyn was able to gain more seats and started to become more popular due to the way he thinks Brexit should be handled.

Syrian War

Even before the conflict began, many Syrians were complaining about high unemployment, corruption and a lack of political freedom under President Bashar al-Assad, who succeeded his father, Hafez, after he died in 2000.
In March 2011, pro-democracy demonstrations erupted in the southern city of Deraa, inspired by the "Arab Spring" in neighbouring countries.
When the government used deadly force to crush the dissent, protests demanding the president's resignation erupted nationwide.
The unrest spread and the crackdown intensified. Opposition supporters took up arms, first to defend themselves and later to rid their areas of security forces. Mr Assad vowed to crush what he called "foreign-backed terrorism".
The violence rapidly escalated and the country descended into civil war.

Cultural Trends

The Films were massive with various different titles switching title of top grossing film.
TV programmes became very popular again with Stranger Things becoming a massive hit along with Love Island as well.
Music took a massive increase with new artists being discovered such as Travis Scott who has been around for a while but never had so much attention until now.
Video games such as Fortnite were taking over the world and are now featured in everything in our daily life, such as spin offs in films and programmes, dance moves and toys as well.

YouTube also started to clamp down on the content being shared online by really upgrading their systems which led to pressure being put on other social media sites as well. Also PewDiePie and T-Series were in a massive race to be the biggest subscribed to channel in the world and T-Series won. They now have over 100 Million subscribers.

In Russia they held the World cup which saw amazing talent be on display and also the new and improved England team went on to finish 4th and France ultimately won the competition with a very dominant young team.

Fortnite also was released in 2017 but was not very big until various YouTubers started playing the game and has now lead it to being one of the most influential things in the past 3 years. Millions of people play the game worldwide and many brands are collaborating with the games creators Epic Games.

Social Trends

Disability- The Olympics took massive strides in showing off the Paralympic games which showed incredible talent of the disabled people who broke records and also Team GB had an amazing games which has now lead to ultimate respect from the public.

Regionalism- Made in Chelsea shows that just because where people live it means that they think they can act invincible or really posh, compared to someone from TOWIE who give Essex a bad name for the overuse of fake tan and awful way some of them speak.

Class- Some chavs exist but it’s mainly depending on their fashion statement because nobody is born like it they choose that path in their life. Also BeyoncĂ© and Jay Z made a collaboration to show a rapper who is black can join forces with someone as elite as BeyoncĂ© and ultimately change the world for the better.

Age- The youth are being looked down upon by older people just because of the way the youth dress and the fact they hang in groups which gives off a negative vibe. Also cultural trends have changed the youth dramatically.

Gender- People talking about their gender became a massive thing and lots of people came out about their personal information and lead to the METOO campaign and was beginning to be accepted in lots of countries.

Ethnicity- Black Panther, This is America and The Carters Apes**t helped to spread an awareness about Black people’s rights and that they should not be treated differently because of their colour. This lead to a lot more acceptance in society and these various cultural things broke records worldwide.

Sexuality- Pride was massive deal and lead to people coming out about their sexuality and was being accepted in society. The media also would not be as negative and a lot of people became very influential in society.

Saturday 17 August 2019

Music Video Essay

Music Video Essay
“Music videos reflect the social and cultural context in which they were made”.
Discuss this statement through a comparison of the two music videos you have studied. One music video from list A (CBR) and one from list B (DG).

Both Titanium (David Guetta) and Stop Where you are (Corinne Bailey Rae) contain references to the cultural context that they are set within. However, the two videos have different social aspects and focus on them by incorporating a variety of examples from the time period. The Music Video for 'Titanium' centres around a young boy with super-powers attempting to subvert the law enforcement for his own safety. The audience is able to tell that the setting for this video is mid 1980's due to props, clothing and scenery put to use (Mise En Scene). Strong examples for props representing this are; corded telephones, vintage police vehicles/uniforms, retro television set, stereotypical 80's American clothing… etc. The video also denotes old gender roles and possible child deprivation that would have been an existing problem for adolescence in the 1980's. This is portrayed by the lack of parents, furniture mess and Television still playing at the boys’ home (living on his own). Another example of how unequal gender role in the 1980's are represented is the fact that Police and Swat in the story are all Male figures, but the school teacher is a 'helpless' female.
On the other hand, 'Stop Where You Are' depicts the story of not one person, but multiple figures within society during 2016. Theme's represented are; Judgement, stereotypes vs reality and appearances…
The video reflects homelessness and class with the collaboration of camera angles and props. A good scene to convey this is when a 'city business man' strolls past a homeless woman sat miserably on the concrete floor pleading at him for some change. Throughout this scene, the camera angle is high up so to look down upon the homeless woman. This also allows for her to be cast by the shadow and silhouette of the business man as he walks past. The aim of this camera shot is to represent how Homeless people are frowned upon and ignored by higher 'classes' in society. However, soon after this, a similar shot appears of the homeless woman, but the camera angle is at a lower height in line with the woman's shoulders. Her figure is no longer in the shadows, as the businessman appears again from out of shot to offer her a coffee and sit with her to chat. Corinne Bailey Rae has done this to represent what should be happening throughout society rather than what normally happens. The video portrays the 'Wide variety' of cultures that exist today but including different genders, ethnicities and clothing styles amongst the characters.

Daily Mail and The Guardian

The Guardian:
- 5 articles displayed on front cover.
- Same number of images but much smaller.
- Small Headline.
- Stories positioned all around the border of front page.

Daily Mail:
- 2 articles displayed on front cover.
- 2 Images for main article and small sub-article.
- Extra-large Headline in the centre.

Paper 1 Q3 DIRT Sheet